March is International Women’s Month! We are celebrating amazing women – especially those who, through pure determination, have grown from learners to leaders and continue to shine.
Siphokazi Ndinisa is such a rising star – Siphokazi graduated from our NQF Level 2 Learnership in Clothing Manufacturing in 2019, and she is now an active member of our team of facilitators. From being a learner herself, she is now helping our learners to achieve their full potential. Siphokazi embodies a determined and creative spirit of self-improvement daily.
Siphokazi’s post-school skills development journey started after she matriculated from I.D Mkhize B. C. M High School in Gugulethu, Cape Town in 2014. Not having received adequate career guidance, she did not apply for bursaries or admission to tertiary institutions until it was too late for her to start.
She spent 2015 actively looking for job opportunities and skills development opportunities to better her chances of becoming more employable. She entered a workplace readiness skills programme through the EPWP and also worked for a few months as a trainee in the hospitality industry, doing stints as a receptionist and waitress.
At the end of 2018 Siphokazi attended a TVET SA Open Day where she learned about the NQF Level 2 Learnership in Clothing Manufacturing. She enrolled in the learnership and her zest for life and her engaging personality soon made her stand out above the rest of her group.
During her learnership, she often volunteered to assist the facilitators in class. She also volunteered to read out the names of the learnership graduates at the TVET SA Annual Learner Graduation in 2019. A daunting task for a person so young. During the graduation ceremony, Siphokazi also featured in the learners’ choir and sang the solo part.
On her graduation from the learnership at the end of 2019 and having witnessed the infinite potential Siphokazi embodied, the TVET SA management offered Siphokazi an internship at the college. During this year-long internship, Siphokazi attended a Facilitators Course as well as a Team Leader Course and started facilitating Workplace Readiness Sessions at the college. Siphokazi was extensively mentored by the senior facilitators at TVET SA and has shown great progress as both a theory and practical facilitator.
At the end of her internship, Siphokazi was offered full-time employment at TVET SA. She is a real asset to our organisation and her energy and creative spirit are a valuable contribution to the success of our team.